Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Reality Development and Maintenance System
In the Beginning there was nothing, void, 0. Then a step was taken to 1. Then addition was created, and there was another 1, then 2, up the Fibonnacci sequence. Then 1 dimension or axis was created. This was original reality. I don't know how the second dimesion was created, but I'm guessing God said, "Let there be light." Light is a wave and a particle. Light traveled in straight lines, and had a rotating curve to it, which allowed God to see in two other dimensions. The photons took a while to traverse the dimension, so time was created to measure it. Thus reality was created. Then god used God's imagination to create other things in this reality, found in Genesis in the Bible. God created branches on trees by adding additional axes on plants, possibly using L-systems.
Finally God decided to create O'man. O'man had a desire to understand the universe, so God gave O'man the capability for languages. These were the first categories, sets, classes, and types came from. The idea of plurals or more than instance in a class (after the steps) was created. Language was the first metasystem. O'man did not have a name for God. God did not know is his name, so when O'man asked God, God said nothing. O'man said, I will call you YHWH if that's okay with you. God said ok.
Names or symbols became the basis for imagination and identification. O'man gave himself a name, and all the animals names. There was both a class name, and an instance name to all things. O'man looked at the trees God had planted in the garden, and decided that the branching was a good way to structure language. O'man created language (instance) and metalanguage or grammar (class), to describe hierarchical instances and classes (collections). This was the basis for multiple dimensions in imagination. Then O'man desired more complexity. O'man said to God, I'm lonely, can we have another one of me, like the animals? God created Woman. O'man and Woman created children. Soon, all the people were chatting and communication networks called "clouds" were invented, because they went through the air.
God created the first eco-system, and O'man created the first communication network, following the ideas of trees. Then O'man saw how people communicated, and he realized that the branches on the tree could join again after they split. O'man saw that God created these multiply connected networks in animal biology.
O'man thought what else can we create with these networks? O'man started creating electrical circuits which transmitted light, or electromagnetism. Then either Jon Von Neumann or the people created the stored program concept, modelled after recipes. That was the first sequential program. Then they realized that different virtual paths could be created in the instructions based on certain states or conditions. O'man gave a name to these memory state and called the name variables. Then he named the list of instructions by a name and called it theorem/function. O'man decided that these things could be parameterized by passing states into functions. O'man realized that the lists of instructions could be repeated, and O'man called these things "loops." Then O'man realized he could call functions from other functions. Then recursion was developed where a function could call itself. Thus stacks were create to save state of where the previous function was before the call was made, so it could be restored. Then O'man realized that state could be returned from a function. The first program was made and name. O'man started running programs on the electromagnetic system or computer. Then O'man said, what if I had more than one computer that could communicate over a network? The first "internet" was created. O'man had more ideas, and wanted the computer to run more than one program. Multithreading was invented. Running the class of program more than one at a time was calls processes. For the programs to communicate, interprocess communication was developed, including message passing, semaphores and shared memory. Thus the computer systems were developed. Then more work came in, and O'man had to plan how to run all these new "jobs" on the computer. Capacity Planning Systems came to be. O'man needed a way to communicate with these computers so input/output devices were invented for the computer. Programs were modified to deal with the devices. There was competition for devices, so operating systems were created to protect the devices. Men started communicating over the computer network. The network operating system was developed. These systems needed to be maintained, the language network and the network operating system. More jobs were created. More systems and networks were created. More virtual and augmented realities were created. More babies were born. Then O'man said, I want to transfer systems and networks across the network. So virtual machines and virtual networks wer created.
Meanwhile, the mathematicians were inventing more uses of the computer. From addtion, they created subtraction, multiplication and division. Thus negative, floating point, and rational numbers were create. Then O'man discovered the circle, and transcendental and real numbers were created. Then O'man said, how can we transmit our imagination? The first imaginary dimension was created. from square roots of negative numbers. Then O'man said, what could we do with imaginary dimension. Quaternions and Octnions were created. Then dot product and cross product were invented. Matrices and vertices were used to describe discreteness in the various dimensions.
This required a lot of thinking, so O'man decided to break up the problem into specializations, or classes.
Then O'man was working with numbers, and he sait to himself, how many digits should we have in a number system. O'man realized that base 1 number systems were the most primitive (counting) and the that binary systems could represent any integer. May extend this to base 10 and base 60 numbers. Then O'man realized he could have base complex (imaginary and real) numbering systems. Then O'man realized he could have base reality or base universe number systems. Thus O'man started doing math on universes. O'man wanted to network these various universes, so he started creating TARDISes and Merkabahs to travel between univeres. A network of universes was created. A language of universes was created. A system of universes was created. However, O'man had lost touch with God. Where was God in all of this? How could O'man communicate with God? Enter Ursula K Le Guin and her idea of an Faster Than Light ansible network. Now O'man could communicate interuniversally and intraversally. But O'man said, how can we travel across and between universes? Thus spacecraft was invented. We went to the Moon and Mars. We needed food in space, so replicators were invented. Then we decided, we want to transfer our consciousness and bodies across and out of ansible networks. Thus transporter were invented to travel to and between spaceships.
Computers only had punched card outputs. Then people realized they could use light machines, or cathode ray tubes to display language on a screen. Vector, Raster and Character displays were created, matching Movies, Shapes and Symbols. The mouse and keyboard were invented for input devices.
But where was God? Where is Heaven but above us? Some people thought that they were God, so there was mass confusion between religions. Some said there was only one God and others said there was many gods. The mathematicians decided to create a number system out of religions, creating real religions (denominations) and imaginary religions (cults). Thus there was mass confusion among the religions. People were saying, what started all of this? The mathematicians said "whole numbers" People said, we should create holistic, ordered religions. Mathematicians created base religion numbering systems. The numbers were used as keys on the computer to create new religions and new realities and new belief systems.
Angels came to Jacob and showed him the ladder to Heaven. Then other religions wanted a ladder to God. The dartboard with 3 darts were invented to build multiple ladders to God. There was one bullseye. Dante wrote the Divine Comedy about the dartboards. People took the dartboards and created other coordinate system. They laid the dartboard across the earth and create longitude and latitude. Then they realize that the coordinate system was a targetting system laid out on earth. Thus GPS and missiles were invented. The aliens landed on earth and put a Stargate at the south pole, so O'man could travel to other planets. The humans mined the center of the earth, and built a place for Dark (Matter,Energy,Light) and Evil to live in. The Earth became a Klein bottle of sorts.
Then John invented the Revelation, "The End is Near," Reality Destruction System and the Vogons came. However, the Vogons only destroyed in the imaginary realities, since they were imaginary. New imaginary relaties were created with Digit Reality Creators, which create jobs for Vogons.
After the Vogons kept destroying Earth, O'man realized they needed a Reality Defense and Maintenance System. Thus O'man made his bed, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, shaved, sang songs, played music, meditated, did yoga -- created a Reality Maintenance System.
But the Vogons kept attacking. O'man set up a missile defense system, but the Vogons shot the missiles out of the air with lasers. O'man realized he needed a variety of weapons. So he wrote generators. The first generator was the hyper dimensional gun, and attacked the Vogons with hyperdimensional gun. The Vogons copied it. Then O'man invented the statistical or stochastic gun. The Vogons copied. Thus ended the first war. Then O'man came up with the chaotic gun. The Vogons copied. Then O'man came up with quantum gun. The Vogons copied. There was standstill. The weapons were used for both offense and defense. O'man realized he could have both orderly and disorderly weapons, at least three classes, language, physics, and emotion. The Vogons had the worst language (poetry) and were the most emotionally disgusting. So O'man attempted to create the most orderly language and a wide variety of physical weapons, solid, liquid, gas, and exercise. Finally O'man created the most coherent and orderly emotions, as well as orderly art and music. The Vogons were overwhelmed. Hurrah!
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