Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Hybridized complex continous and discrete graphs as combinations images/matrices and fields. What is a graph? A graph is a collection of nodes and arcs, with arcs (possibly directed) connecting two nodes. What is a hypergraph? A hypergraph is a collection of nodes and arcs with arcs connecting zero or more nodes. What is a matrix? A typical matrix is a table with rows and columns with values in the cells as the intersection of rows and columns. How do graphs and matrices relate? You can represent a graph as a matrix by putting all the nodes along the rows and columns of a matrix. Then the cells in the matrix are directional arcs (from row to column or vica versa). Values of the cells are weights of the arcs, or a range of weights or percentages for more than one matrix. You can represent a hypergraph as a matrix by putting all the nodes along the rows and the arcs along the columns of a matrix. Then the cells are the amount of connectivity between the arcs and the nodes. What is a digital/discrete matrix? A discrete matrix is one where there are discrete rows and columsn. What is an analog/continuous matrix or field? A continous matrix is a matrix where row and column indexes form a continuous range instead of a discrete range. The cells become fields. The simplest continuous matrix is one with one row and column, which is the cartesian coordinate system. What is a hybrid matrix? A hybrid matrix is a combination of a discrete matrix and a continuous matrix, with some rows and columns being discrete and some being continuous. Some cells are functions, some are points and some are fields. What is a continuous graph or continuous hypergraph? A continuous graph or hypergraph would be a matrix with one continuous arc and one continuous node. What is a hybrid graph or hypergraph? A hybrid graph or hypergraph is a combination of discrete and continuous graphs or hypergraphs. What is a complex analog matrix? A hyperdimensional analog matrix with complex number dimensions (imaginary dimensions). Visualization as taking an equation or graph and creating a field. Visualizing the graph can also be visualizing the image of the connectivity in the graph between nodes and arcs. Discretization as taking an image of an equation and creating the graph describing the equation (programming). In other words, the programmer has an image of the letter in their head. They convert that into physical motion pressing a key which becomes digitalized into a Unicode or ASCII value of 32 or 8 bits in the computer. What is fractional matrix? A fractional matrix is a matrix with a part of a row or column. What is a fractional graph? A fractional matrix is one with a partial node or arc. What is a chaotic matrix? One where the rows and columns and cells get mixed up over time unpredictably. What is a chaotic matrix? One where the connectivity between nodes and arcs get mixed up over time unpredictably, except by looking at an attractor. What is a grammar matrix? One where there's a graph as the rows and columns of the matrix. What is a continuous grammar? Music. Other ideas? Combined cells, intersecting or chorded cells, Universal cells, recursive cells, self-referential cells, nested nodes, nested arcs, combination node and arc, time series cells, fractal time, complex time, different views of a matrix reflecting different values of cells, or different structure.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Self-enveloping Universe

So what if the universe is self-enveloping at absolutely every point in it? Like a massive Klein bottle like thing? See Kleinian Fractals.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Persistent Promises/Futures

  1. Imagine a computer system where you don't have to provide an image or other data to an app for days or perhaps weeks later, and it will keep track of it automatically.
  2. Can this be done in a framework, so that it's available on all platforms to all applications?
  3. I think it can.
  5. APPLICATIONs may want to keep their own table.
  7. When an application starts, the RESOLVE_RESOURCE table is queried for the USER and APPLICATION. If found, the user is asked for the resources by RESOURCE_TYPE. The user may select a processing METHOD_TYPE for the resource.
  8. METHOD_TYPE and RESOURCE_ID wilL be combined into a TOKEN or TICKET
  9. When a method sequence is run for a particular TICKET, each METHOD is called in an application on a host for a particular user. METHOD is passed TICKET and a resource. METHOD returns a METHOD_TYPE. If returned METHOD_TYPE = initial METHOD_TYPE, the METHOD_SEQUENCE is removed then the method sequence continues.
  10. If the returned METHOD_TYPE is UPDATE, the promise stays around, and the METHOD_TYPE is not changed in the database. The resource has been provided.
  11. If the initial METHOD_TYPE is UPDATE, the returned METHOD_TYPE replaces the initial METHOD_TYPE.
  12. METHOD_SEQUENCEs are partially ordered.
  13. When an application wants a resource and it's not fulfilled, the application can put a POSTPONE record in the table with a METHOD callback.
  14. if a user selected ERROR or CANCEL, the METHOD_SEQUENCE is removed for that RESOURCE_ID.
  15. This needs more work, especially a security review. Please help!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Unstructured media and the challenge for computer science

Unstructured media: variable sized, new, hyper, dangling, broken, unfinished, context sensitive, made up, random, chaotic, ungrammatical, incorrect, paradoxical, and incomplete phonemes, words, sentences, grammars, and meta-grammars. Likewise with music, speech, drawings, points, vectors, surface, volumes, dimensions (geometry), painting, sculpture, pictures, video (pixels, voxels, time rate or size), taste, smell, motion, emotion, thought, haptics and feeling. If we can find a way to represent these in XML or JSON or … I think we have a good chance of handling almost everything. Thoughts?