Thursday, September 25, 2008

Object Oriented Artificial Life Programming

So what if we had object oriented programming that was a little more like real life. Instead of having a reference to an object, say to contact an object to send it a message, you had to do a search through a space (ambient authority?). Even if you have the address of an object, a different object may pick up the message, possibly to pick it up and deliver it through delegation or aspect oriented programming.

Here are the fundamentals:

1. Objects can create new objects.
2. Every object has a voice/signing ability that is adjustable to send messages to other objects
3. Every object can feel/taste/hear/see/smell its environment and other objects
4 . Objects can ingest objects to protect them or destroy them.
5. Objects can move other objects around.
6. Messages may or may not make it to an object.
7. Messages may be recorded for playback.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The bit is a 1 dimensional object (in time) everything else in information technology is a collection

Discrete Structures (information based)
Set (0D, non-ordered, singleton values--since it is 0 dimensional, it doesn't really exist)
Array (list, 1D, implicit indexing, singleton values)
Array (map, 2D, explicit indexing, name-value pairs)
Array (graph, nD, implicit indexing, value tuples)
Table (nD, fixed size rows and columns), CSV, TSV
Table (tree/outline/hierarchy/taxonomy, nD, variable size rows and columns) XML, HDF, Lisp
Hypertext (multiple taxonomies, ontology)
Image (3D, fixed size depth, rows and columns), JPEG, TIFF, PNG
Movie (4D, bounded depth, rows and columns, time), MPEG
HyperMovie (4D, unbounded depth, interactive)
MMOG (5D, each user sees a different movie)

Continuous Structures, Equations (geometry/calculus based)
Now - 0D object (transient)
Points - Continuous 1D object (in time)
Lines - Continuous 2D object
Curves - Continuous 3D object
Plane - Continuous 3D object
Surface - Continuous 4D object
Mathematical Space - Continuous nD object
Volume - Continuous nD object
Hypervolume - Self-referential volume, Klein bottle, Escher's "The Gallery", Continuous Hierarchy (self-reference at a massive scale)

Hybrid Structures (physics based--motion described by geometry/calculus, measurement described by information)
Fuzzy Systems